Blog Posts
March 8, 2022
RFID Asset Tracking- How it works?
RFID Asset Tracking – How it works? How to track assets & inventory with RFID? This technology is a cost-effective and process-efficient model, which is[…]
March 7, 2022
RFID Personnel Tracking, relax if you have heard the myths about it. The moment has arrived to confront the myths head-on!
RFID Personnel Tracking RFID is an innovative technology that has limitless potential for ensuring that workplaces are secure, efficient and productive at all times. Personnel[…]
March 7, 2022
Active RFID – Why are businesses adopting this technology at a breakneck pace?
Active RFID Technology RFID technology has become increasingly popular in practically all industrial environments. Despite the fact that this technology has been there for a[…]
February 17, 2022
Active RFID in action – The Revolutionary Tracking Solution
Reindeer Technologies builds RFID devices to track assets and personnel in real-time. This is just not for tracking purposes but also for operational insights enabling informed decision-making. Productivity, accountability, and operational stability are critical for any kind of business to stay ahead of the competition.
February 4, 2022
Active RFID, a perfect solution for tracking & monitoring
All about Active-RFID that you need to know Businesses have a plethora of excellent tools at their disposal in today’s rapidly expanding technological environment to[…]
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